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History and Perspective of JANPU

Japan Association of Nursing Programs in Universities (JANPU) was launched in 1975 by volunteers teaching at six universities with nursing programs. For the next decade, the association was run by 11 universities, but in the late 1990s, membership increased with the establishment of a law promoting the securing of human resources such as nurses. As of 2024, JANPU has 304 member universities.

In 2010, JANPU was certified as a general incorporated association. It consists of nursing universities across the country and plays a prominent role in producing excellent human resources.

Objective and Activities of JANPU

JANPU's objective is to promote the “enhancement and progress of nursing education and the improvement of academic research in this area through the alliance and cooperation of higher education facilities for nursing science, in order to contribute to the health and welfare of the people”. (Article 2)

JANPU will carry out the following activities to achieve this objective:

  1. Conduct surveys and research on nursing education.
    We conduct surveys and research on current condition and issues to ensure quality of nursing education and its development.
  2. Ensure and improve nursing education.
    We offer policy and strategy to achieve this goal and provide information about nursing education.
  3. Promote educational program of advanced practice nurse.
    We provide information about educational program of advanced practice nurse, discuss its quality and improvement, and coordinate and cooperate with relevant organizations for its certification.
  4. Propose policies on nursing education.
    We communicate and have discussions with relevant ministries or organizations to identify social situations, and provide public statements and recommendations as needed.
  5. Raise awareness of nursing science in society.
    We offer information on nursing to support development of nursing education.
  6. Promote alliance and cooperation between nursing-related organizations and between Japanese and international organizations.
    We promote and support globalization of nursing universities in Japan.

The Great East Japan Earthquake of March 11th, 2011 triggered establishment of “Disaster Support Committee” and continue to expand its activities. We also conduct surveys to investigate the impact of the spread of COVID-19 infection since 2020 on nursing education and nursing research and now act for guarantee of educational and research quality. In addition, we developed a partnership with healthcare agencies and promote logistic support from our member universities.

Members of JANPU

“Nursing Programs in Universities” refers to four-year universities as well as certain educational institutions established by government ministries or agencies which provide providing curriculums that qualify students for national exams to become public health nurses, midwives, and registered nurses. (Article 7)

JANPU is made up of institutions which support the objective of the association and have been approved for membership by the association’s board of directors.

Organization of JANPU

Each member university appoints one researcher as its representative, who serves as the staff of JANPU. JANPU has sub-organizations such as a general assembly, a board of directors, and committees and the representative director is elected by the board.

Why Nursing Universities / Departments are Increasing?

University hospitals and advanced treatment hospitals in charge of highly specialized advanced medicine require many graduates from four-year colleges and universities.
With diversity in healthcare, net increase of nurses with broad perspective is expected to support people living in local community.

In view of future needs, nursing universities are faced with the responsibility of fostering the next generation of nurses and researchers of nursing science. Furthermore, it is crucial for each and every nursing university educator to return to the roots of nursing education based on nursing science, and establish an educational framework which embodies the independent and unique nature of nursing science.

Headquarter Contact Information

Inquiries:JANPU Office

TEL:03-6206-9451 / FAX:03-6206-9452 / E-mail:office@janpu.or.jp /
Office hours:9:00 AM - 5:15 PM(closed Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays)

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